Fat Dissolving / Double Chin Treatment - AZ_permanent_makeup
Fat Dissolving / Double Chin Treatment - AZ_permanent_makeup
Fat Dissolving / Double Chin Treatment - AZ_permanent_makeup
Fat Dissolving / Double Chin Treatment - AZ_permanent_makeup
Fat Dissolving / Double Chin Treatment - AZ_permanent_makeup
Fat Dissolving / Double Chin Treatment - AZ_permanent_makeup

Fat Dissolving / Double Chin Treatment

Regular price $400.00


DLK24® is a non-surgical solution to minimize and remove stubborn localized pockets of fat under the chin. It is ideal for those who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet but have pockets of fat that won’t shift, even with focused exercise. 
This technique, consists of deliveringthe solution into localized fat deposits.

DLK24 consists of phosphatidylcholine – a natural substance which, when given in higher doses, can cause the destruction of fat cells.

Destroying the fat cells is a long-term solution provided you retain a stable weight, eat healthily and continue exercise as usual. DLK24 leads to a permanent reduction of fatty tissue; once removed, fat cells will not reappear. 

Important: This is a fat reduction treatment not a weight loss solution. Treatments with DLK24 are only applicable for small, localized areas. 

How does DLK24® work

It works by breaking down cell membranes to liquify the fat cell, destroying it permanently, releasing the lipids that are then eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system. 

The procedure consists of administering 3-4 weeks apart, whereby DLK24® is delivered into the targeted area.

What Can I Expect in Treatment?

After a pre-treatment consultation, your technician will mark out the area of concern. Hyaluron Pen a needle free system is used for greater comfort and a fan effect to make sure the area is fully covered. This needle free pen allows small areas to be tackled effectively such as double chin or jowls. 

Are There Any Side Effects?

As DLK24® is a non-surgical solution it means no downtime and no general anesthesia risks. As there are no incisions, stitches are not required and scarring is very unlikely. 

There are some temporary side effects, which include bruising, swelling, redness and irritation in the treatment area. Sometimes it may feel a slightly tender to touch, numb or itchy but these side effects usually reside after 1-3 days. 

How Many Treatments Would I Need?

A reduction in fat deposits can be seen after just one treatment, however three sessions are recommended to achieve desired results.

What Results Can I Expect To See?

A reduction in fat in the targeted area can be noted a number of weeks post-treatment. The speed at which noticeable results are seen will vary depending on the stability of the cell membranes; younger clients are more likely to see results after a longer period. In very small fat pads, the desired results can already be seen after one treatment.

Treatment Prices

Consultation: Free

Permanent Makeup School LP

About us?

We are a permanent make-up and advanced facial aesthetics training facility located in Arizona, USA.

With its 1,400 sq. ft campus in a premium medical center in metro Phoenix, AZ PMU Academy is a professional permanent make-up training center with fundamental and advanced classes in the southwest USA.