Pigment skin testing is a procedure that consists of implanting a small amount of pigment into the skin to determine whether the client is allergic to the pigment selected for this procedure. Generally people do not have any reactions to the pigmentation, however, it can be possible. This is not a mandatory procedure. Technicians may want to consider a patch test if a client typically has reactions to the following:

Bacitracin , Novocain, Lidocaine and Epinephrine, Latex protein, Pigment, Needles


A component of antibiotic ointments. Ask if they have any allergies to antibiotic ointments used at home. 

Novocain, Lidocaine and Epinephrine: 

Anesthetics that may cause reactions when used topically. Ask if they have had any problems with anesthetics during any previous medical visits.

Latex protein: 

Found in latex gloves. It can cause immediate hives or a more delayed contact dermatitis. 


The pigment may cause reactions because it is being embedded under the dermal layer of the skin. But pigments like Permablend do not contain heavy chemicals and they don’t cause any allergies.


Needles are made of metal. Needles that are made of Nickel (use only Stainless Steel) and can cause an allergic reaction in clients who are allergic to this metal. 

True signs of an allergic reaction to the pigment: 

Cracking, bleeding, swelling, bumps, dry skin, oozing pain, Itching skin, raised blisters, scabbing, burning, won't heal properly, tender to touch. 

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